Hong Kong

HSBC unveils Risk Controlled Greater China Fund

HSBC unveils Risk Controlled Greater China Fund

HSBC remains committed to providing customers with the most diligent investment solutions amidst market volatility of Hong Kong investors.

No ratings impact for HKCG's increased TCCL stake

HCKG’s acquisition of another 10.21 per cent of Towngas China Company has no impact on either company's ratings.

HK still far out of financial danger

CE Tsang is concerned on the impact of the US’ second round of quantitative easing on Asian economies.

Global shipping recovery to continue behind impending acquisitions

China and the rest of Asia Pacific’s shipping demand was seen as primary driver of global shipping growth.

Hong Kong maintains GDP growth by 6.8%

External trade contributes to Hong Kong’s GDP behind domestic demand and further expansion in intra-regional production activity in the Asian markets.

Valuetronics second quarter profit up 82.9% to HK$32.7mln

Revived customer demand to pre-crisis levels boost the company’s revenue to HK$914mln.

Monetary policy is working in Asia: HSBC

The acceleration in bank lending in Hong Kong has been especially noticeable, according to HSBC.

September goods re-exports volume up 19%

The highest export volume to Japan grew 22.9%, the highest, followed by Taiwan, 19%; and to China, 18.4%.

Luxury property transactions up 86% over $20mln

Financial Services & the Treasury Department issued tax assessments for the remaining 1,650 taxable cases, including $410mln in profits tax.

HK sets initial minimum wage rate at $28/hr

Statutory minimum wage will protect grassroots workers and ensure their pay is commensurate with hours worked.

HK benefits from PRC’s bullish economy, clinches a ratings upgrade

Moody's has upgraded the government bond ratings of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to Aa1 from Aa2 and raised the foreign currency bank deposit ceiling to Aa1.

IT professionals see employees to shop more online at work

Shopping online for more than 3 hours this holiday season expected to pose security risks to companies.

HSBC launches real-time online retail bond trading platform in HK

The platform offers wide range of bonds and CDs with subscription amount as low as HK$50,000.

China Gas inks US$200mln loan facility with Asian Development Bank

The company to use proceeds to expand its city gas projects using China’s 2.46tin cubic meters natural gas reserves.

Hong Kong and Japan inks tax agreement

Hong Kong residents receiving dividends from Japan will now pay at least 5% withholding tax for a company holding.

Fortune REIT nine month profit up 24.5% to HK$444.5mln

The company’s occupancy rate at reached 98%, with an annualised dividend yield of 6.2%.

Asian asset managers list 2 new Hang Seng China Enterprises Index-linked funds

Harvest Fund Management and Nikko Asset Management issue H-Shares Index funds in Shenzhen and Tokyo bourses respectively.