
HKMA announces $500m 15-year government bonds tender

It will carry interest at the rate of 3.75% per annum.

Auditors urge PolyU to relax security measures

This follows community concerns about PolyU's open campus policy.

Audit reveals overcharging of elderly care residents

The overcharged was sometimes as much as $22k.

Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link delay causes additional $1b cost

The delay was primarily due to interfacing issues and unsatisfactory reclamation works.

Gov't introduces new engineering contract standard template

It is the second standard contract template published by the Development Bureau.

HKMA launches digital bond grant scheme to boost digital securities market

Issuers of eligible digital bonds may receive a maximum grant of $2.5m.

One in three HK employees say personal diversity factors limit career growth

However, hiring managers in Hong Kong are least likely to believe in inclusivity in Asia.

HK manufacturing sector’s sales increased by 12.1% in 2023

Industry value added of the sector to HK’s GDP increased to $37b.

MPF offsetting arrangement to end in May 2025

It will end the practice of using mandatory MPF contributions to offset SP and LSP.

Task Group seeks proposals for new medical school

They have also outlined the plans for the new medical school in Hong Kong.

HK’s labour force reaches 3.83 million in Q3

Total employment in Hong Kong during was 3.71 million.The total labor force in Hong Kong reached 3.83 million in Q3 2024, a slight increase from 3.82 million in the previous quarter, according to the Census and Statistics Department’s Quarterly Report on General Household Survey.

Transport receipts drop 12% in 2023

On a per establishment basis, receipts dropped 13.8% to $24.2m.

Gov’t unveils blueprint to boost arts and culture sector

The blueprint consists of 71 measures under four strategic directions.

Gov't cuts quarantine period for cats and dogs imported from Macau

The quarantine period will be shortened to 30 days, from the current 120 days.

HSBC Hong Kong’s real estate risks to persist through 2025

The bank should see good profitability, strong capitalization, and adequate liquidity, however.