Dealings in CMA shares to begin 18 October
As at 13 October, the total number of issued shares is almost 3.9b.
A CapitaMalls Asia announcement said, “Dealings in the Shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are expected to commence on October 18, 2011.”
During a period of three business days prior to the commencement of dealings in the Shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, a daily announcement will be released on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the SGX-ST, disclosing CMA’s previous day closing price on the SGX-ST, as well as any relevant developments and updates with regard to the bridging arrangements.
In addition, the company will release an announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the SGX-ST to inform the investing public of the following information as at the latest practicable date prior to such announcement:
(a) the number of Shares in respect of which the Singapore share transfer agent has received instructions from Shareholders for the transfer of such Shares to the Hong Kong Share Register under the first-batch transfer and the second batch-transfer removal process; and
(b) the total number of Shares which have been registered on the Hong Kong Share Register.
The total number of issued shares is 3,885,081,827 as at 13 October.
CMA noted, “Based on the net assets attributable to Shareholders as at June 30, 2011 (i.e., S$5,891,199,000 (approximately HK$35,905,090,545.3)), and calculated on the basis of 3,885,081,827 Shares in issue, the net asset value per Share would be approximately S$1.516 (approximately HK$9.242).”