China is greenest pasture for Hong Kong businesspeople
83% said it's ripest for expansion.
According to a survey by Regus, firms that trade internationally are reporting significantly better revenues and profits than those businesses sticking to their domestic market.
The report, which canvassed the opinions of more than 20,000 senior business managers in over 90 countries around the world, revealed that 50% of global firms that export say they've increased profits over the last 12 months compared with just 38% of companies which only trade domestically.
Here's more from Regus:
Unsurprisingly, 83% of Hong Kong businesspeople saw China, with its growing middle class and increasing pro capita income, as the market that is most ripe for expansion in the next few years – a view shared by almost half of businesses globally. Local businesses also cited India and a number of South-East Asian markets.
The countries and regions that least appeal to local businesses as potential export markets were Africa (4%), the Middle East and Central America (both at 9%). Hong Kong bucked the global trend in its views on Europe: just 18% of local businesses were bullish, against a global average of 41%.
In terms of the difficulties likely to be encountered in expanding overseas, local businesses say that finding and arranging suitable physical premises (62%) and recruiting senior managers (40%) and operational staff (39%) pose the biggest challenges.
Over the last 12 months, 50% of companies that trade internationally said profits had grown, compared with just 38% of firms concentrating domestically
In the same period, 59% of companies that trade internationally said revenues had grown compared, with 37% of firms focused domestically
"Our survey really does show the benefit of overseas expansion," said Hans Leijten, vice-president, East Asia, Regus. "There are significant differences in both revenues and profitability which are clear to see. Any company – large or small – which isn't already trading abroad to broaden its markets should certainly have that target right at the top of its New Year's resolutions.
"Businesses that are exporting tell us that expansion to new markets should not be something feared, particularly in markets where they can use short-term, flexible services like Regus to minimise the financial risk. In a globalised world, while there are obviously still pitfalls to avoid, expanding overseas has generally never been easier."