Job vacancies in Hong Kong reach 39,000 in March
This is a 7% drop compared to the previous year.
The total number of job vacancies in Hong Kong reached 39,350 in March, which is a 7% decline from the previous year, the Census and Statistics Department reported.
Of this, some 4,780 were from the industry of financing and insurance; 4,470 from professional and business services (excluding cleaning and similar services); 4,130 from education; 3,710 from residential care and social work services; and 3,050 from import and export trade.
The C&SD also noted that decreases were seen in majority of the selected industries in March 2021 over a year earlier. In particular, the following industries registered declines: professional and business services, excluding cleaning and similar services (-680 or -13%), import and export trade (-530 or -15%), and information and communications (-520 or -24%).
Meanwhile, vacancies increased mainly in the industries of education (440 or 12%); and arts, entertainment, recreation and other services (420 or 31%).
Over the same period, the total employment in the private sector also fell by 73,600, or by 2.7%.
In March 2021, the selected industries as a whole employed 2,690,700 persons.
The import and export trade engaged 384,000 persons, followed by professional and business services (excluding cleaning and similar services) engaging 306,700 persons, retail trade 249 900 persons, financing and insurance 236,200 persons, food and beverage services 205,500 persons, and education 205,400 persons.
Employment decreased in many surveyed industries, particularly, in the industries of accommodation services (-9.4% or -3 600 persons); import and export trade (-8.6% or -36 100 persons); wholesale (-8.4% or -4 700 persons); and food and beverage services (-7.2% or -16 000 persons) amongst others.
In contrast, employment increased mainly in the industries of human health services (4.0% or 5 600 persons) and real estate (1.9% or 2 500 persons).