
Hong Kong recovery on track amidst high interest rates

Economic growth was strong, but investment and property markets were affected.

Hong Kong recovery on track amidst high interest rates

Economic growth was strong, but investment and property markets were affected.

Hong Kong reappoints HKSTP Chairman of the Board of Directors

The new members and reappointees will serve for two years starting on 1 July.

Hong Kong unemployment rate remains at 3%

It inched up by 0.1 percentage points to 1.2%.

HK lands 5th in world competitiveness ranking

The city’s economic performance, business efficiency, and infrastructure improved. 

Economist lifts Hong Kong outlook, citing stronger economic prospects

UOB now predicts a 2.9% economic growth, up from 2.5%

Hong Kong leads as the world's most expensive city

Expensive housing, transportation, and goods drove up the city's cost of living.

Guangdong, HK, and Macao sign pact for enhanced emergency response

It will establish a government-led mechanism for handling regional emergencies.

HKMA reports 2.2% rise in total bank deposits

Total remittance of RMB for cross-border trade settlement saw $176b.

Companies adapt to new HKEX climate disclosures

Enhanced transparency and strategic adjustments drive corporate responses to the amended ESG Framework at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Gov’t proposes fire safety penalty hike

Violators may soon pay as much as $200,000.

Govt greenlights tax relief bill

The bill will cut taxes on profit, salaries, and personal assessment.

Consumer price growth eases to 1.1% in April

Prices for transport, housing, and clothing saw increases in April.

Hong Kong leads in financial services with green initiatives

Hong Kong's pioneering green finance initiatives position it as a major player in financial services.

Unemployment rate stands at 3%

There were 113,700 unemployed people from February and April.

Hong Kong and Peru finalise FTA, signing planned for this year

The agreement will cover trade in goods, services, and investments.