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Country Garden receives trading resumption guidance from HKEX

The company has been suspended from trading since 2 April.

Country Garden received guidance from the Hong Kong Exchange on 24 June to resume trading of its shares, which had been suspended since 2 April.

The resumption guidance requires the company to publish all outstanding financial results and address any audit modifications.

The stock exchange also requires the company to comply with Rule 13.24 of the Listing Rules and to inform the market of all material information for shareholders and investors to assess the company's position.

The company said that it is currently preparing the consolidated financial statements for FY2023.

In addition, the company and its advisers have been working with Kroll to perform an independent recovery analysis for the group’s holistic restructuring plans.

Under Rule 6.01A(1) of the Listing Rules, the Stock Exchange may delist securities suspended for 18 months. For Country Garden, this period ends on October 1, 2025, risking delisting if suspension issues aren't resolved and trading doesn't resume by then.

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