
The truth behind your retirement plans revealed

Hong Kong life expectancy, for both sexes, has steadily increased over the last 41 years. Male life expectancy increased from 67.8 to 80.7 years between 1971 and 2012.

The truth behind your retirement plans revealed

Hong Kong life expectancy, for both sexes, has steadily increased over the last 41 years. Male life expectancy increased from 67.8 to 80.7 years between 1971 and 2012.

Would you hire the online you?

If you have a social media presence, then you effectively leave little footprints of your actions and thoughts for potential employers or clients to follow. Too many candidates don’t realise how much of an impact their online persona can have on their professional persona, and that it could determine whether or not they will land the career of a lifetime.

3 tips on how smartphone users can avoid neck pain through posture

According to the Office of the Communications Authority, the penetration rates of household broadband and mobile phones in Hong Kong in September 2012 were about 87% and 223%1 respectively, among the highest in the world.

Sponsorship Activation: A new game played by the same rules

As a world-class city, Hong Kong plays host to an impressive number of sports and entertainment events. These are almost always sponsored by high-profile brands or corporate titans like banks or airlines.

The ultimate guide to leaving work behind when you go on holiday

Do you bring the office with you on holidays? If you are nodding, you’re not alone.

What Hong Kong can do about trade credit and bank finance risk

When I owe the bank US$100,000 it’s my problem; when I owe the bank US$100,000,000…it’s the bank’s problem.

The role of content marketing in studying your clients' buying decisions

Fundamental shifts in technology, business and society have no doubt changed the way we make buying decisions. Social networking sites in particular have turbo-charged three basic human needs: to communicate, to collaborate and to create. No one, from the consumer on the street to the corporate customer, is immune.

4 ways on how to make your event eco-friendly

Traditionally, the events and exhibitions industry in Hong Kong has been more focused on being business-friendly than being eco-friendly. However, in the last few years, this status quo has begun to change rapidly, as the idea that business and green values can coexist and indeed, create new and profitable synergies.

How the 'local plus' approach can cut costs of expat staff in Hong Kong

Despite today's economic uncertainties, global mobility remains integral to the way businesses operate. Multinational companies must grapple with the challenge of increasing the number of international assignments while managing costs.

Workations: Lessons from working on a holiday

More than a third of workers in Hong Kong would like more paid leave – it's the second most wished-for work-life initiative, behind flexible working.[1]Women in particular wish for extra paid leave (34.4%, against 31.4% of men).

Plugging the leaks in Hong Kong's workplace inefficiencies

As the 9th largest trading economy in the world, Hong Kong has a highly sophisticated infrastructure to enable workers to work efficiently and seamlessly.

The most undervalued tool in Hong Kong’s marketing scene

‘Big data’ is all the craze at the moment where multinational corporations are cleverly making use of the data they have collected about consumers to pull actionable insights.

Tips on how to protect your business in Hong Kong

This article provides investors with tips on how they can protect their business in Hong Kong.

5 ways Hong Kong firms can attract and retain a diverse talent

Work places have become more diverse than ever, as employees push back their retirement and companies look to foreign talent to fill skills shortages. These vast generational and cultural differences present a new set of challenges to leadership.

How to protect Hong Kong banks from information heist

With billions of dollars worth of transactions taking place across the globe every day, financial institutions are a goldmine for cyber-criminals, if their systems are breached.

The checks and balances on Hong Kong’s credit commitments

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) recently highlighted a number of ‘warning signs’ that the territory’s economy was in danger of over-heating. Rising levels of household and an accompanying surge in consumer spending have, according to the HKMA, left the economy worryingly exposed to increases in interest rates.

How to gain customer loyalty and make it your business' advantage

Customer loyalty is a hugely important topic for Hong Kong businesses, yet it is often overshadowed by other, more high profile issues. But think about it for a moment: loyalty is the most accurate tool to determine whether your business is ‘doing it right’.