Gov’t implements real-name registration to combat $2 scheme abuse
Nearly 10,000 were fined for attempting to abuse the scheme.
The Hong Kong government has implemented a real-name registration system starting 25 August 2024, requiring residents aged 60 and above to use the JoyYou Card and eligible persons with disabilities under 60 to use a Personalised Octopus card with "Persons with Disabilities Status" to access the $2 Scheme.
This system aims to strengthen monitoring, provide evidence to combat abuse, and deter ineligible users. The Transport Department (TD) will also continue joint inspections with public transport operators and refer cases with sufficient evidence to the police for investigation and potential prosecution.
The response came from Secretary for Labour and Welfare Chris Sun in response to questions sent by lawmaker Peter Douglas Koon regarding the government’s expenditure on the Government Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilitie ($2 Scheme)
According to Sun, the TD has continued to request participating public transport operators (PTO) under the $2 scheme to strictly enforce ticket inspection and passenger identity verification work, and enforce the penalty as set out in relevant legislation and by-laws to prevent abuses of the $2 Scheme by ineligible persons. The TD also conducts surveys and monitors the situation in collaboration with PTOs regarding suspected abuses.
Sun said in the past five years on the Mass Transit Railway (MTR), buses, ferries, kaitos, minibuses, trams and residents’ buses, 1 419 suspected abuse cases were found. Since the passengers concerned are normally required to pay the shortfall on the spot and no Government's reimbursement is involved, the Government does not keep the figures on the amount of differential fares (DF) involved in the above suspected cases.
To step up enforcement actions against abuses of the $2 Scheme by ineligible persons, the TD has enhanced joint enforcement actions with PTOs such as franchised buses and ferries from June 2023 onwards. As at end-October this year, a total of around 480 joint enforcement actions were conducted across 970 routes with about 3 080 persons inspected for suspected abuse of $2 Scheme, of which seven suspected abuse cases have been filed for investigation by the Police.
During the same period, the MTRCL, in its enforcement actions, imposed surcharges to a total of around 9 680 ineligible persons for abusing the $2 Scheme.
Meanwhile, government data also revealed that expenditures on the $2 Scheme rose in the last three years, with expenditures in 2023-2024 reaching $4b.
Sun also stated that the government has no intention to cancel the scheme nor change the existing beneficiary groups.