Rent level for new public housing flats set
The rent will apply to 7,595 flats in Lai Yiu and Hei Yiu Estates.
The Housing Authority said the rents for a total of 7,595 flats in nine new non-standard blocks in two public rental housing (PRH) Lai Yiu Estate in Kwai Chung and Fu Tip Estate in Tai Po would be set at the “best” level.
In a statement, the government said the best rent for 819 flats in Hei Yiu House of Lai Yiu Estate is $91.80 per square metre a month.
Meanwhile, 6,776 flats in Chun Tip House, Fan Tip House, Fung Tip House, Gaap Tip House, Hei Tip House, Hin Tip House, Tsz Tip House and Wong Tip House of Fu Tip Estate will have the best rent at $83.20 per square metre every month.
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A spokesperson for the Housing Authority said over 60% of the flats are set at a rent level below $2,500 a month under the rent-fixing exercise. It added that PRH rents which include rates, management fees, and maintenance costs are “heavily subsidised.”
"PRH applicants who are allocated new flats but cannot afford the rents may request refurbished flats at lower rents, and they may also apply for assistance under the Rent Assistance Scheme for flats in older block types where applicable," the spokesman added.