
China claims Pearl River air pollution fell in 2012

Emission control measures and favorable weather conditions caused the improvement.

The role of telemedicine in disease prevention in Hong Kong

The H7N9 avian influenza had been restricted to Shanghai and neighbouring regions on the Eastern seaboard in China recently, up to 23 April, but...

Sunshine ignites Hong Kong’s most polluted days

Hong Kong suffers from over twice as many hours of very high roadside pollution in 1Q.

Government issues alert against slimming product

Beware of Aisiyuan V26 Coffee Slimming granules.

Simple ergonomic tips to optimise your workspace and reduce pain

A typical office worker in Hong Kong is no stranger to long hours spent at the office.

Hong Kong and Shenzen intensify boundary infection controls

Additional manpower to be deployed to control points.

Government recalls Celogen Pharma pharmaceutical products

Some of them did not meet pharmacopoeial standards.

5 additional cases of H7N9 virus confirmed

They are from Shanghai and Jiangsu.

Addressing the healthcare needs of Hong Kong’s growing elderly population

Creating the right healthcare facilities and services for the people of Hong Kong including the growing aging population, is becoming an increasingly...

2 suspected human cases of H7 reported

A total of 16 notifications has been received by the Centre since 31 March.

Schools urged to stay alert amidst H7N9 terror

Check out government's enhanced measures.