Hong Kong ranks first place in the Index of Economic Freedom
Hong Kong ranks first place in the Index of Economic Freedom
Hong Kong remains the world's most free economy for the 17th consecutive year, according to Heritage Foundation.
Hong Kong ranks 8th largest foreign currency holder
Hong Kong's official foreign currency reserve assets amounted to US$268.7 billion in December 2010.
HK earns $17.2 bln surplus from taxes
Expenditure for the eight-month period amounted to $195.7 billion with revenue of $212.9 billion.
HK and China forge better financial ties
Both parties to further develop the renminbi bond market in Hong Kong and to help Chinese enterprises issue bonds in Hong Kong.
Consumer prices jump 2.9% in November
The increase in consumer prices passed the corresponding 2.6% increase in October, according to Census & Statistics Department figures released...
Hong Kong GDP for 2011 seen at 5.2%
Hong Kong GDP forecast for next year is expected to exceed the consensus of 4.6%.
32% of HK exports to China for outward processing
$377.7bln of Hong Kong's total exports to China were for outward processing, an increase of 26% in the first nine months this year.
Hong Kong gross domestic product grows 6.8% in Q4
Net output in all the service activities taken together rose 6.9% in real terms in the quarter.
Hong Kong unemployment rate down 4.1%
Yet global financial crisis in US and Europe seen to affect employment even as labour demand is seen to continue as Lunar New Year nears.
S&P raises Hong Kong ratings to AAA
The ratings company attributes upgrade on improving economic and financial links between Hong Kong and China.
China completes RMB8bln bonds issue in Hong Kong
Success of the move showed HK investors’ confidence in the sustainable development of the China's economy.
Hong Kong's gross national product up 7.9%
The gross domestic product, estimated at $453.9 billion, recorded a 9.5% increase.
HK economy forecast 5% increase
Inflation will somewhat erode real income at least with respect to most local Hong Kong consumers.
2011 Hong Kong annual inflation forecast at 4%
Food price inflation may rise to 7% in 1Q11 should inflaton in China worsen.
Foreign currency reserve assets down by US$1bln in November
Hong Kong is the world's ninth-largest holder of foreign currency with reserve assets amounting to US$266.1bln.
Hong Kong generally optimistic on economy
85% of Hong Kong respondents in the survey expect it to register growth in GDP for the year.
IMF backs linked exchange rate
IMF forecasts Hong Kong’s economy to grow 6.75% this year and moderate to 5-5.5% next year.
Progressive rating system to impact mid-to-luxury residential properties in Hong Kong
Hong Kong universities drive market shift: strategic acquisitions for student housing
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