China completes RMB8bln bonds issue in Hong Kong
Success of the move showed HK investors’ confidence in the sustainable development of the China's economy.
China's Ministry of Finance announced on Tuesday that it has completed the planned RMB 8-billion in RMB-denominated treasury bonds issue in Hong Kong, sources reported.
According to the report, the treasury bonds consist of two batches. RMB 5 billion of the bonds were issued to the institutional investors, while the remaining RMB 3 billion targeted at retail investors.
MOF said the successful issue of RMB bonds in Hong Kong marks another major financial cooperation fruit between mainland and Hong Kong, showing that Hong Kong investors are confident in the sustainable and healthy development of the country's economy.
BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Ltd, the Hong Kong subsidiary of Bank of China, the Hong Kong branch of Bank of Communications Co Ltd, and ICBC (Asia) Ltd were hired as joint book-runners, said the MOF.
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