
SFC wants further regulation on HKEx listing rules

SFC wants further regulation on HKEx listing rules

Hong Kong government is open to measures ensuring consistency and high standards in vetting listing applications from overseas companies.

Hong Kong September exchange fund falls by $45bn

Of the $2.13tn Exchange Fund's foreign assets, Monetary Base amounted to $1.06tn.

Hong Kong joins in on global uprising against Wall Street

Protestors rallied in Hong Kong in support of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations that began last month in New York.

Hong Kong shares set for weekly growth

This as investors watch out for China’s monthly inflation data.

2,500 new flats to be up for pre-sale in 2014

The flats at about 400-500 square feet will be built at six sites.

HSBC expands CNY trade services to all China branches

The move will provide the lender widest geographic RMB trade coverage among all foreign banks in China.

CE Tsang presents new home ownership scheme

Flats of up to 500 square feet may be affordable to families with monthly income of $30,000.

Esprit Board clueless as to why trading price slips

It simply noted the decrease in the trading price of Esprit shares.

Tsang: $1bn fund to boost enterprises

The chief executive also aims to consolidate the city’s position as Asia’s creative hub.

CE Tsang proposes regulatory regime boost

Plan includes mandating listed corporations to disclose price-sensitive information.

Real estate in focus in trading

This as Chief Executive Donald Tsang is expected to announce measures to promote affordable housing and boost land supply.

Ensure sufficient land supply to contain price rises, says analyst

Perception of land scarcity, meanwhile, is seen as slowly changing as property developers show lukewarm response to auctions.

Foreign currency reserves down to a mere US$277.7b in September

It was down by US$1.9 billion on August's figure.

Derivatives market sees 34% rise in average daily turnover

The turnover of H-shares Index Futures reached a record high of 220,600 contracts.

Don’t panic, Hong Kong; at least not yet

Economist says though contraction is happening faster than in 2008-2009, the support offered by Mainland demand is also higher than previously.

Is Hong Kong heading into a recession?

HSBC says no as local consumption and tourist spending remains buoyant despite the country’s rising inflation.

Hong Kong PMI dropped to 45.9 in September

All sub-indices signaled a cooling of business activity, despite the continued growth of new orders from Mainland China.