IMF lauds HK's exchange rate system, policy framework
IMF lauds HK's exchange rate system, policy framework
Hong Kong's Linked Exchange Rate system and the government's policy framework to support growth and safeguard financial stability were strongly endorsed an International Monetary Fund Staff Mission.
Outlook for Hong Kong’s growth cloudy: UBS
Even though the country narrowly missed a technical recession, it’s not out of the woods yet.
Hong Kong continues to be the most expensive office location in Asia Pac
Tokyo and Singapore lagged behind as prime office rents in Hong Kong reached US$122.33 per sq ft per year as of the third quarter of 2011.
Transportation, storage and courier services sector receipts reach $486.5b
The 2010 figure represents a 25.8% increase in business receipts and other income.
Prada to buy 19.6% in Sitoy IPO
Prada, which raised over $2b in its Hong Kong IPO, will be a cornerstone investor in the local handbag maker’s offering.
October Exchange Fund foreign assets up $38.4bn
Foreign liabilities amounted to $400mn.
HKEx profit up 1% to $1.24b
Chief Executive Charles Li said attracting international companies to list in Hong Kong continues to be one of their key strategic goals.
Hu reaffirms support to Hong Kong's stability, prosperity
The central government of China would spare no effort to maintain Hong Hong's economic stability and prosperity, said Chinese President Hu Jintao during a meeting with Donald Tsang, chief executive of HKSARC in Honolulu.
Financial Sec ensures financial stability
Hong Kong is working towards financial stability in view of the importance of tackling counterparty risks across global financial markets, according to Financial Secretary John Tsang.
Dim Sum demand lessen benefit from buying yuan in HK
China’s shift toward policies that support economic growth spurs demand for Dim Sum bonds. This in turn reduce the benefits from buying yuan in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong's GDP may have grown 4% in 3Q11
It's a close call as the country may have narrowly missed a technical recession.
Hong Kong domestic exports plunge 36%
The prices of goods re-exports rose 8.2% over the same period in 2010, while those of domestic exports rose 6.8%.
Buildings Department considers legal action against flat owners
There were 36 cases of flat owners employing unqualified people to conduct minor works, so far this year.
Hong Kong workers at risk due to overwork
A study confirms most Hong Kong workers stay late and bring work home with them.
Contract awarded for improvement of Kai Tak River
An $818 million contract for the reconstruction, improvement and rehabilitation of a section of the Kai Tak River from Po Kong Village Road to Tung Kwong Road, has been awarded by the Drainage Services Department.
OFTA issues Fair Usage Policy for broadband services
The Office of the Telecommunications Authority promulgated a set of mandatory guidelines setting out the relevant guiding principles for compliance by broadband service providers.
Hong Kong to keep currency peg to US dollar, says Tsang
William Ackman, founder of hedge fund Pershing Square Capital Management LP, will “lose a lot of money” on his bet that Hong Kong will amend its currency peg to the dollar, city Chief Executive Donald Tsang said.
Progressive rating system to impact mid-to-luxury residential properties in Hong Kong
Hong Kong universities drive market shift: strategic acquisitions for student housing
Innovation at a Crossroads: Hong Kong's Needed Tech Transformation