OCBC unveils AI stock picker in Hong Kong
AI Oscar will send regular trading ideas on HK stocks via email to customers.
OCBC Bank (Hong Kong) has launched A.I. Oscar, reportedly the Hong Kong banking industry’s first AI stock picker.
AI Oscar— which stands for the OCBC Securities’ Customer Artificial Intelligence Radar— will send regular trading ideas on Hong Kong stocks via email to OCBC’s customers.
It scans massive amounts of data simultaneously, generating insights and reports that would typically require substantial resources and effort, which individual investors may not realistically have, OCBC Hong Kong said in a press release.
The stock picker was developed in-house with the goal of enabling investors to recognise potential opportunities across thousands of stocks in major markets, acting without delay.
Stock ideas from A.I. Oscars are now offered to OCBC customers in Hong Kong, and shortly afterwards to customers in Macau.
With ongoing updates and enhancements, A.I. Oscar’s features will progressively advance, OCBC Hong Kong said.