What is the best and cheapest month to travel from Hong Kong?
Travellers can save an average of 18% on airfares in this month.
Travelers from Hong Kong looking to get a good deal on flights in 2017 can save up to a quarter on airfares to some of the most popular destinations by booking at the right time, according to the latest data from global travel search engine Skyscanner. This is one of the findings of its ‘Best Time to Book’ study, which aggregates over three years’ of data from its APP and website to help consumers understand when to book their travel to secure the best airfares.
The best time to book tickets to some of Hong Kong’s most popular destinations varies, with travelers only needing to book six weeks in advance to grab a bargain flight to Taipei, compared to 5 months ahead of time for Seoul.
November is the best month to travel from Hong Kong, as it proves to be the cheapest month to visit five of the city’s top ten destinations. And there are plenty of savings to be had, with consumers able to save an average of 18% on airfares if they book strategically. Those travelling to Manila stand to make the most savings, with consumers able to knock almost a quarter (24%) off of their flights by booking four weeks in advance. There are also big savings to be had on long-haul routes, with consumers able to save 18% per cent on flights to Sydney and 16% on flights to Vancouver.
“At Skyscanner we are dedicated to providing travelers with all the information they need to have the best possible trip. Our ‘Best Time to Book’ data enables Hong Kong consumers to plan ahead and save significant amounts on airfares. By combining these findings with tools like Skyscanner Price Alerts and Whole-Month View, users have all they need to secure the best deals,” comments Fang Fang, Senior Marketing Manager, Skyscanner, Greater China.