, Hong Kong
Photo by Tiff Ng from Pexels

Culture Bureau restructures CreateHK to enhance the arts and creative sectors

It is now called the Cultural & Creative Industries Development Agency (CCIDA).

The Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau has restructured Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) as the Cultural & Creative Industries Development Agency (CCIDA).

The restructuring aims to boost the arts, culture, and creative sectors in Hong Kong, aligning with its role as an East-meets-West hub for international cultural exchange under China's National 14th Five-Year Plan.

The CCIDA will establish new teams to explore global opportunities and organise delegations to international showcases, aiming to strengthen Hong Kong’s cultural and creative industries, promote business opportunities, and elevate its international standing.

The CCIDA will also facilitate the creation and production of cultural intellectual property (IP), enable cultural IP transactions, and explore business and commercialisation opportunities to enhance economic benefits.

After the restructuring, the CCIDA will offer one-stop services and support to Hong Kong’s cultural and creative industries to foster a conducive environment facilitating its development.

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Y.X blends work and play with VR gaming and study spaces at Y83
Y83 is the first student accommodation in Hong Kong to include a VR gaming area.   ACKNOWLEDGING that play is essential during and outside school, operator Y.X ensures its accommodations support student residents in balancing their studies with leisure time by providing gaming facilities.