Hong Kong launches new dedicated nurse clinic, allied health services
These form part of its Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme.
Hong Kong has introduced dedicated nurse clinic and allied health services under the district health network as part of the Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme (CDCC Pilot Scheme).
The services follow a co-payment model, with eligible participants receiving a partial subsidy from the government and paying a designated co-payment fee.
The dedicated nurse clinic services provide assessments and treatments for diabetic foot disease and personalised phased improvement plans targeting healthier lifestyles and diets.
Allied health services include customised exercise programmes and pain management solutions from physiotherapists for complex cases such as joint pain in overweight individuals.
Targeted dietetic guidance is also offered to participants who have not met expected improvement goals, whilst optometrists conduct fundus photography examinations for patients with DM and HT.
The services are available at over 40 service points across Hong Kong through strategic purchasing to support District Health Centres (DHCs) and DHC Expresses.
The rollout of these services will occur in phases, with non-participating DHC/DHCE members set to receive dedicated nurse clinic and allied health services in the next phase.