Restaurant receipts up 2.1%
It's estimated at $25.4b.
The value of total receipts of the restaurants sector in the fourth quarter, provisionally estimated at $25.4 billion, rose 2.1% year-on-year, the Census & Statistics Department announced.
The provisional value of total purchases by restaurants increased 1.4% to $8.9 billion.
After netting out the effect of price changes, the volume of total restaurant receipts fell 2.2% year-on-year.
For 2013 as a whole, the value of total receipts for the restaurants sector was provisionally estimated at $97 billion, representing an increase of 3.5% in value but a decrease of 0.8% in volume over a year earlier.
The provisional value of total purchases by restaurants increased 1.6% to $33.7 billion in the year.