No ratings impact for HKCG's increased TCCL stake
HCKG’s acquisition of another 10.21 per cent of Towngas China Company has no impact on either company's ratings.
The rating outlook for TCCL remains positive and that for Hong Kong and China Gas Company is stable.
According to Moody’s AVP’Analyst Jennifer Wong, the acquisition amount of HK$907.5 million is low compared to HKCG's total assets and will not have any material impact on HKCG's credit profile
"This transaction will increase HKCG's shareholding in TCCL to 66.49 per cent from 56.28 per cent," says Wong.
"Although the acquisition indicates HKCG's enhanced commitment to TCCL as well as the growing cooperation between the two companies, TCCL's Baa3 rating already benefits from a two-notch uplift from its standalone rating of Ba2 based on our assessment of the likelihood that, as TCCL's largest shareholder, HKCG would provide the company with strong financial and operating support," adds Wong.
Moody's believes TCCL will continue to benefit from HKCG's market reach and asset base as well as its more than 140 years' experience in the utilities sector.