Gov’t introduces new measures to bolster financial ties with China
These measures will also benefit Hong Kong’s status as an international financial centre.
The government welcomes six new measures to deepen financial cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong.
The new measures will benefit Hong Kong’s role as an international financial centre and will bolster the country’s financial development.
The first measure expands the list of eligible collateral for the Monetary Authority’s Renminbi Liquidity Facility to include bonds issued onshore by the MOF and policy banks of China.
The second measure tackles opening up the onshore repurchase agreement market to support foreign institutional investors.
The third measure will issue amendments to the implementation agreements for the Cross-boundary Wealth Management Scheme in the GBA.
Meanwhile, the other three measures involve facilitating measures on remittances for property purchase by Hong Kong residents in the GBA, deepening collaboration on cross-border credit referencing, and expanding the cross-border pilots of e-CNY.