
A call for Hong Kong to de-peg from USD
By Allan Eu ???
As the US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from their federal government’s neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending.The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. it is practically feasible for the “states” to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect its citizens’ standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of the founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.”The call for states to secede from the union, one now backed by over a million Americans, is part of a wider disenfranchisement with how the country has been infested and hijacked by a crony political elite and the principles of the founders decimated.As over a million Americans so far have expressed their disenfranchisement with the federal government by supporting a secessionist movement that has spread like wildfire, it is time to call for a new declaration of independence and a new commitment to restore the Republic in the face of an enemy that has subverted America from within.Meanwhile, Obama supporters and other statists have called on the government to punish those putting their signatures to the secession petitions by having them stripped of their citizenship, deported and exiled.If the “states” became their own nation they could abandon the failing U.S. currency and create its own honest money system. The abandonment of the U.S. currency also means the “states” could walk away from the U.S. federal debt. This frees the “states” from an almost insufferable financial burden, allowing it to start over with a clean slate and an honest currency. Across the “states” all federal wage taxes would be eliminated, meaning that employee take-home pay would rise and the cost of hiring employees would sharply drop. This would cause a surge of business investment across the “states” as investors/employers flock to the “states” to lower their costs of conducting business in North America.The lack of any further burden to fund the U.S. Empire’s military presence in over 130 nations around the world would equal a financial windfall for the “states”, which could use the new surge in business taxes and sales taxes to fund real infrastructure: Expanded universities, railroads, airports and more. There would no longer be any need to file a federal income tax return on April 15th. This alone would vastly improve the "happiness quotient" for “We the People”. The “states” would shut down all federal offices, expelling feds as people with no authority. This would immediately end the scourge of the DEA, ATF, FDA and USDA, among other "gang-style" agencies that routinely betray the American people. Instead, the “States” would form its own local agencies to handle any necessary tasks, all with the benefit of local input and local planning. We are watching history in the making and witnessing either the fall of the modern Rome or the resurrection of the original one. If the secession should take place after a lengthy struggle on both sides, the dollar will totally collapse. And if it should fail the greenback will still collapse…on schedule according to the global elites plot.Will Hong Kong be affected? Should Hong Kong sit back and do nothing till the last minute? Who are these Hong Kong officials stubbornly against the un-peg from the greenback and why? I wonder if they are under the influence… hmmm.