Photo from Hongkong Land

Hongkong Land to invest $3.1b for LANDMARK revamp

The transformation project will begin in phases, starting Q3 2024.

Hongkong Land will invest over $3.1b (US$400m) to expand and upgrade its LANDMARK retail portfolio over a three-year period.

The “Tomorrow’s CENTRAL” project will create 10 world-class, multi-storey Maison destinations, establishing a unique luxury retail proposition in Hong Kong and globally. Its first phase will commence in Q3 2024.

The investment aligns with Hongkong Land’s strategy to meet its luxury tenants' demand for more retail space and better brand representation in Central, Hong Kong.

Hongkong Land’s retail tenants across the LANDMARK portfolio will also invest an additional $4.7b (US$600m). Upon completion, LANDMARK will offer over 200 retail tenants of exclusive legacy brands.

Three Maison destinations, ranging from two to eight storeys, will be created in each of LANDMARK ATRIUM, LANDMARK ALEXANDRA, and LANDMARK PRINCE'S, with one in LANDMARK CHATER, doubling the retail space for 10 luxury brands to over 220,000 sq ft.

Upon completion, the Central Portfolio will have a total of 260,000 sq ft of F&B space and over 30 restaurants. In total, LANDMARK will house over 100 F&B offerings, including its existing 15 Michelin Stars and 1 Michelin Green Star.

In addition, LANDMARK aims to secure top environmental, health, safety, and wellbeing certifications, including BEAM Plus Interiors, LEED Commercial Interiors, and WELL, making it one of Hong Kong's greenest property upgrades.

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