Cathay to sponsor int’l students to HK and Mainland China
The airline company will invite 40 students to participate in an eight-day programme about environment conservation.
Cathay Pacific Airways today announced that it will sponsor 40 students from around the world to take part in the new Cathay Pacific Green Explorer programme - an eight-day programme that will take place in Hong Kong and Sichuan Province in China. The aim of the programme, which runs from 13 to 20 August 2011 is to give the young participants a better understanding of environmental issues and the importance of conversation.
The Cathay Pacific Green Explorer 2011 programme, for students aged 16 to 18, is launched as part of Cathay Pacific’s ongoing commitment to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. The airline is honoured to have Mr Edward Yau Tang-wah, Secretary for the Environment in the Hong Kong SAR Government, as Patron of the programme.
Cathay Pacific Chief Executive John Slosar said: “We are delighted to launch the Green Explorer programme to help broaden the horizons and expand the world view of young participants from around our network. We hope the delegates will take home some important messages relating to environmental, conservation and sustainable development issues and apply them in their own lives and home country.
“At Cathay Pacific we recognise our responsibility towards the environment and are aware that the future of the planet depends on the young people who will be tomorrow’s decision makers. We hope our new programme will put them on the path to a greener future.”
Patron of Cathay Pacific Green Explorer 2011, Mr Edward Yau Tang-wah, said: “Cathay Pacific’s Green Explorer Programme will offer students an invaluable insight into conservation efforts in Mainland China. In addition, showcasing an environmental project site in Hong Kong as part of the programme will provide the young delegates with experience of how environmental initiatives are helping to shape our own community.”
Students from Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Germany, Korea, Malaysia, South Africa, Taiwan, the United States and Vietnam will be invited to join this unique educational experience. Applications are open to full-time students between the ages of 16 and 18 who are proficient in written and spoken English and have been involved in environmental or community activities. Applicants are required to submit an essay on an environmental topic that is close to their hearts and relevant to his or her home country or the global situation. Students can make online applications through www.cathaypacific.com/greenexplorer from 23 May to 17 June 2011.
Successful applicants will gather in Hong Kong to visit a green project run by the Hong Kong SAR Government before travelling to Yingjing County in Sichuan Province. Known for its breathtaking natural beauty, Yingjing is home to some of the last remaining Giant Panda populations in the wild, diverse ethnic communities and upstream watersheds that feed some of China’s major rivers. On site, the students will see for themselves how economic growth is affecting natural resources and observe how conservation efforts are bringing tangible and sustainable social benefits at different levels.
Highlights of the eight-day programme include classroom sessions on forest carbon, a field visit to rare and ancient forests near Taihu Temple, and interactions with indigenous communities. Students will also hike at Daxiangliang National Reserve and camp overnight at a local forestry station. In addition, to help them appreciate the work of environmental experts and local forestry staff, the students will learn how to monitor wildlife and identify fauna and flora in the Niba Mountain area.