, Hong Kong
Photo by Steve Johnson from Pexels.

Hong Kong enforces waterworks amendment to curb overcharging

Failure to comply without a valid reason incurs a $10,000 fine.

The Hong Kong government has implemented the Waterworks (Amendment) Ordinance 2024, which addresses overcharging by improving enforcement and increasing penalties.

Passed by the Legislative Council, the amended ordinance allows the Water Supplies Department (WSD) and the Rating & Valuation Department to share information when handling overcharging cases of overcharging. 

The amendment clarifies that tenants can only seek water reimbursement after paying WSD's bill.

Violators will be fined $10,000 on the first conviction, then $25,000 on a subsequent conviction. On top of this, those convicted must repay the overcharged amount to the tenant.

According to the ordinance, WSD may request the relevant person to provide information or documents, including water charge receipts or payment records.

Failure to comply without a valid reason incurs a $10,000 fine, with $1,000 added daily for non-submission.

There will also be a $25,000 fine and six-month imprisonment for those who provide false or misleading information.

Starting July 19, those receiving reimbursements must issue specified receipts within seven days, retaining a copy for two years. Violators face a $10,000 fine.

For owners of subdivided units, the Development Bureau recommends installing separate water metres from the WSD for their tenants to save owners from the trouble of apportioning the water charge.


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