Sustainability investing gaining momentum amongst Hong Kong investors
Sustainability investing gaining momentum amongst Hong Kong investors
28% of Hong Kong investors have already invested in sustainable products.
InvestHK assists over 300 overseas and Mainland firms in 2023
The expansions brought $61.6b in investment to HK's economy.
These are the best and worst performing sectors in Hong Kong according to StandChart's SME Index
Finance and Insurance was the best performing sector for the first quarter.
HKEX mulls launch of China Treasury Bond Futures
The plan is still subject to regulatory approval.
Cash takes the crown: 22% say it will be the best investment in 2022
It has beaten stocks and cryptocurrency.
Cyberport Investors Network’s investments cross the $1b mark
In the past year alone, CIN raised HK$496m in investments.
ESR enters co-investment agreement to form logistics platform in China
A total of $271.22m is under commitment from ESR.
SFC strengthens policy after Archegos incident
It eyes stricter regulation over prime brokers, amongst others.
Hong Kong’s national income rises 7.5% to $722b in Q1
This was attributed to a net inflow of investment income.
Hong Kong universities drive market shift: strategic acquisitions for student housing
Innovation at a Crossroads: Hong Kong's Needed Tech Transformation