Flat sales fall 16%
The number of sale and purchase agreements for all building units in Hong Kong's Land Registry in January was 9,917. It is down 15.9% from December, and 19.9% year on year.
The total consideration of sale and purchase agreements was $59.1 billion, up 10.6 per cent from December and 32.1 per cent on January last year.
Of the agreements, 8,002 were for residential units, down 14.2 per cent from December and 24.9 per cent on January last year.
The total consideration for sale and purchase agreements in respect of residential units was $33.3 billion, down 16.5 per cent from December and 7.8 per cent from January last year.
The 12-month moving average for January was 13,356, which was 1.5 per cent below the 12-month moving average for December, but 14 per cent above that for January last year.
The number of searches of land registers made by the public was 502,271, up 10.5 per cent compared with December and 1.7 per cent on January last year.