Residential property sales plunged 58% in June
Residential property sales plunged 58% in June
And the loan-to-value ratio of homes costing between HK$7m -10m has been limited to 60%.
Investor confidence in HK property drops
Homes are now less affordable for the general public after a rally in property prices.
CEO resignation pushes SMIC down in HK trading
China’s biggest chipmaker saw the biggest decline in months in Hong Kong after David Wang failed to win reappointment and eventually quit.
Hong Kong now has more than 900k registered companies
77,991 new local companies were registered during the first half of this year, an increase of 8.53% from 71,861 in the second half of last year.
Government boosts public education on intellectual property rights
The Customs and Excise Department, the Intellectual Property Department and the copyright industry have been jointly organising various publicity and educational events to promote respect for IPRs in the community and especially among the youth, so as to inculcate a culture of IPRs protection when they are young. One of the educational events is the Youth Ambassador Against Internet Piracy Scheme, which was initiated by the C&ED in 2006 in collaboration with the copyright industry. Some 200 000 members of 11 youth uniformed groups have so far joined the scheme, which is aimed at promoting a sense of respect for copyright works among young people. In the past five years, different promotional activities have been organised under the scheme to raise the awareness of, and to motivate the youth ambassadors to support, IPRs protection. The IPD, together with the C&ED, the copyright industry and different organisations in the community have also organised different anti-piracy activities to promote public respect for IPRs. The Youth Ambassador Competition on Business Software Proposal is one of these activities.
CE’s policy address vows to bring housing relief
Tsang said the government will consider various subsidised housing schemes to address one of Hong Kong’s crucial social issue.
Bankruptcy petitions down by more than 15%
Total number of bankruptcy petitions was 4,086 for the first six months of 2011.
Hong Kong’s parking rate is Asia’s highest
Hong Kong’s rental yield of car parking spaces tops 4% per annum, relatively higher than the other sectors such as residential and office properties.
Hong Kong's June foreign assets up $14.8bn
Exchange Fund bills and notes issued reached $1.05tn while claims on the private sector in Hong Kong amounted to $114.6bn.
Group assesses Mandatory Provident Fund withdrawal options
The authority will take note of Hong Kong’s practical operating situation, overseas experience in implementing different withdrawal options and stakeholders’ views.
Tsang outlines opportunities for Canadian firms in HK
Financial Secretary John Tsang outlined the opportunities for Canadian firms in Hong Kong brought by the latter's close integration with mainland in his remarks at an Economic Club luncheon in Toronto.
Education expenditures rise from $35M to $95M in 5 years
The Education Bureau's expenditure on national education for primary and secondary schools rose from $35.3 million in 2007-08 to an estimate of $95.7 million in 2011-12.
Cathay Pacific launches new freighter service to Bangalore
The airline expects strong interest from China and Northeast Asian countries for shipments of computers, computer components, high-value electronic goods, ICs, and garments.
Government boosts protection of telecom subscribers with industry code
Participating service providers have revised contract forms and revamped service platforms and sales and internal supporting procedures.
Government to subsidize more projects for the elderly
A new phase of the Neighbourhood Active Ageing Project will be launched.
Government secures repurchase deal with Citibank
Repurchase offer’s total value to reach $1.06bn, covering about 92% of Citibank HK customers holding outstanding notes.
Foreign currency reserves in June up by US$1.3bn
Reserve reached US$277.2bn at the end of June.
Progressive rating system to impact mid-to-luxury residential properties in Hong Kong
Hong Kong universities drive market shift: strategic acquisitions for student housing
Innovation at a Crossroads: Hong Kong's Needed Tech Transformation