
Old Hong Kongers hit 4.8% growth rate in 2012

Versus 2011's overall population rate of 1.6%.

Asia's PMIs slowly trending uphill

Almost half registered readings above 50.

Hong Kong beats Singapore in internet speed

The world's slowest internet connection is also in Asia.

Forsgate Conservatory opens African Violet exhibition

In a release, the Hong Kong Park Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced that a thematic exhibition on African Violet is being held at Forsgate Conservatory of Hong Kong Park. More than 600 pots of African Violet are on display featuring a variety of species, including some very special species. They are classified in terms of the flowers type such as Fantasy, Two-tone, Chimera and in terms of the leaf type such as Wavy and Variegated.

Launch Tech warns of loss

There was a decrease in sales volume.