Hong Kong exports fall 20.9% in Q1
Prices of exports were 4.5% higher, however.
Hong Kong exports fell 5% year-on-year in March, according to data from Hong Kong’s Census and Statistics Department (C&SD).
Total export volumes for the Q1 quarter is down by 20.9% compared to the same quarter in 2022.
Imports are also down by 3.2% in March compared to a year ago, and 15.7% in the first quarter.
Exports and imports of goods are also lower by 0.2% and 2.6%, respectively, compared to Q4 2022.
Whilst the volume fell, the prices of exports and imports rose over the month and the quarter.
Prices of total exports of goods are 4.5% higher in March compared to prices in March 2022. Import prices rose 2.8% over the same period of comparison.
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On a quarterly basis, prices of exports were up 4.7%, whilst prices of imports are 3.9% higher.
Volume-wise, total export volumes to mainland China fell by 13.6%. Exports to Vietnam, and India also fell by 4% and 1.1%, respectively.
However, export volume to Taiwan (6.1%) and the USA (9.6%) increased.
Over the same period of comparison, the total export prices to all main destinations increased: India (7.5%), the Mainland (5.1%), the USA (4.8%), Vietnam (2.6%) and Taiwan (0.9%).
Declines in import volume were recorded from Singapore (-24.1%), Taiwan (-18.7%), the USA (-14.1%) and Japan (-10.3%) in March.
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On the other hand, the import volume from the mainland increased by 11.1%.
Import prices from mainland China (+5.3%), the US (+2.6%), Taiwan (+2.1%), and Japan (+1.1%) all increased in March compared to March 2022.
Import prices from Singapore decreased by 1.7%.