Chart: Hong Kong's 65+ age group to account for nearly 40% of population by 2050
See how the forecasted population growth is compared to Asian peers.
The chart from HSBC shows that proportion of over 65 year olds in the populationtion is set to double if not triple across Asia, except in Australia, New Zealand and Japan (where it is already high).
In China for example, this ratio will rise from 9.9% to 30.8%, less than elsewhere, but still a significant increase, while in Korea, the over 65 ratio will jump from 13.8% currently to 40.2% in 2050, said HSBC. This implies that nearly 1 in 2 Koreans will be over the age of 65.
In Hong Kong, the ratio is projected to rise from the current 16% to 25% by 2030 and then to a whopping 39% by 2050.
HSBC notes that the demographic projections are based on parameters such as fertility, mortality and life expectancy, which are largely known and unlikely to change short of major catastrophes or scientific breakthroughs.