Photo from Hongkong Land

Hongkong Land debuts new shopping mall in Chengdu

The mall is Hongkong Land's first development in the city.

Hongkong Land opened “The Ring, Chengdu,” its first commercial property in the city and the second in the “The Ring” series, following the launch of “The Ring, Chongqing” in 2021.

"The Ring, Chengdu" covers 220,000 sq m GFA, featuring shopping spaces and a 90,000 sq m grade-A office tower.

The property has two office towers named Ring Centre. Adjacent to the office towers is the 22,000 sqm Hyatt hotel.

Benoy, LWK + PARTNERS, and JATO designed the property. It achieved a retail pre-leasing rate of nearly 90% during launch.

"The Ring, Chengdu" is powered by a 600 sqm solar photovoltaic power generation system, designed to achieve annual savings of around 28t of coal and emission reductions of 82t of CO2, 2.5t of SO2, and 22t of particulate matter once it is in operation.

Following this launch, Hongkong Land plans to open 10 new developments totaling 360,000 sq. m. of retail space across seven Chinese cities, bringing its completed commercial developments in China to 17.

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