HK approves contracts for 4,680 workers in the construction sector
The Labour Department expects the imported labour to alleviate manpower shortage.
The Development Bureau approved 20 works contract applications involving 4,680 quotas under the Labour Importation Scheme for the Construction Sector.
The 20 approved contracts are for public sector construction workers, including those related to the Three-Runway System of Hong Kong International Airport and its related expansion, hospital development, waste management and sewage facilities, road construction and other building projects.
The quotas approved fall within the 29 eligible trades of skilled workers and the 18 eligible disciplines of technicians and site supervisory personnel identified to be in shortage by the approving authority in consultation with relevant committees.
Together with the 800 quotas approved under the Supplementary Labour Scheme, 5,480 quotas have so far been allotted under the Labour Importation Scheme for the Construction Sector.
The government expects the labour import to alleviate the manpower shortage in the construction sector and support infrastructure development.