Gov't introduces 5% concessionary tax for IP development
Gov't introduces 5% concessionary tax for IP development
The initiative aims to stimulate the commercialisation of IP.
Hong Kong adopts hybrid legislative for tax regulation revisions
This will take effect for fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2025.
Patent box incentive boosts R&D investment in Hong Kong
New tax regime can attract R&D-focused businesses.
Govt greenlights tax relief bill
The bill will cut taxes on profit, salaries, and personal assessment.
EU removes HK from tax cooperation watchlist
The city’s removal follows the implementation of a new foreign-sourced income exemption regime.
HK, Croatia inks tax agreement
This will serve as a guide for investors on potential tax liabilities.
Gov't to launch tax consultation in March
The gov't plans to enhance the tax certainty of onshore gains.
HK to implement int’l tax reform on base erosion, profit shifting
The reforms will target large multinational enterprise groups.
EU includes HK in tax cooperation watchlist
It looked into the non-taxation of certain foreign-sourced passive income.
New measure raises stamp duty
It will increase the rate to 0.13% starting 1 August.
Inland Revenue amendments bill passed
It will take effect on 11 June after it is gazetted.
Progressive rating system to impact mid-to-luxury residential properties in Hong Kong