HK offers 5th most expensive pay and benefits package for ex-pats in the world
This is despite a 2% decrease in the value of its ex-pat package.
Hong Kong remains one of the top places in Asia for expatriates in terms of pay and benefits, data from ECA International showed.
The city rose three places to fifth rank in ECA International’s MyExpatriate Market Pay Survey despite recording a 2% drop in the value of its ex-pat package.
According to the survey, the total value of a typical ex-pat package in Hong Kong as of 2022 is US$278,020.
The cost of salary and benefits for ex-pats dropped by US$2,400 and US$1,600, respectively.
In Asia, Hong Kong ranked fourth amongst markets with the highest expatriate packages.
“After experiencing a rise in total pay and benefits package costs in 2021, Hong Kong was on a downward trend again in 2022 due to lower salary costs,” said Lee Quane, Regional Director – Asia at ECA International.
“The cost of benefits in Hong Kong remained unchanged in 2022, unlike many other countries which saw significant increases, so the fall in salaries caused the overall package value to drop. However, Hong Kong was helped by the strength of the Hong Kong dollar, causing it to rise three places in the rankings as other countries saw the value of the package drop as their currencies weakened,” Quane added.