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Hongkong Post taps online opportunities

Hongkong Post taps online opportunities

Hongkong Post is working with online shopping and group-buying websites to provide a platform for merchandise delivery and counter collection, and cash-on-delivery services for them. Hongkong Post is also developing other new e-commerce-related business.

Mid-Autumn Festival gift sets made available

Hongkong Post announced that new 2011 Mid-Autumn Festival gift sets will be available under the Mainland-Hong Kong-Macau Gift Fulfilment Service until September 4.

SFAA to advance textbook assistance

Ninety per cent of eligible primary and secondary students, approximately 220,000, will receive advance payment of textbook assistance for the 2011/12 school year.

Customs seizes $4M worth of electronic goods in two smuggling crackdowns

Customs seized more than $4 million worth of electronic goods in a two-day crackdown on smuggling.

Customs arrests 12 for selling pirated textbooks

Customs seized 185 suspected pirated textbooks and arrested 12 people during a raid seven second-hand book shops.

Details set for $6,000 hand out scheme

The $6,000 handout scheme will commence on August 28, according to Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Prof KC Chan.

Hong Kong starts campaign to phase out incandescent light bulbs

Hong Kong proposes to progressively phase out incandescent light bulbs to conserve energy, reduce carbon emissions and alleviate the impact of climate change.

China Environmental Technology and Beijing Capital (HK) form JV

The group’s technology and Beijing Capital’s resources the JV to further expand its magnetic water treatment business.

Sino-Life turnover up 17.5% to RMB36.2mn

The group’s new marble trading business has made considerable profit contribution.

TNT Express opens fashion logistics hub in Hong Kong

The company sees Hong Kong as a highly efficient logistics centre and a global hub for trade in garments and luxury goods.

China Rongsheng Heavy Industries seals US$220mn loan from Credit Agricole

The company expands capital channel overseas while fending off rising CNY exchange rate risk.

Pacific Andes Singapore units’ third quarter profits post gains

PARD profit up by 17% to HK$254.8mn while China Fisheries’ profit grew 5% to HK$291.7mn.

Sha Tin lot sold for $5.5 B

 A government lot in Sha Tin was sold for the opeing bid of $5.5 billion during the fourth land auction of the 2011-12 financial year.  

Anti-illegal worker operation at New Territories North makes 38 arrests

 A joint enforcement operation s mounted by the Immigration Department, the Police Force and the Labour Department resulted in 38 arrests in the New Territories North.

Operators and manager fined for illegal club operation

A company, a man and a woman were fined $4,000, $2,000 and $4,000 respectively at the Eastern Magistrates' Courts for contravening the Clubs Ordinance on Safety of Premises. The club on Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, has been operating with a certificate of compliance. During the investigation, the clubhouse staff could not show the membership register upon OLA officers' request. OLA officers also found that the actual layout of the club deviated from the registered drawing, with an increased number of tables and chairs. Conditions 3 and 20 of the CoC were breached. T he company, being the CoC holder, was charged with contravening section 21(2) of the Ordinance. Furthermore, the club was found operating under a name other than the name indicated in the CoC on the day of inspection. The man, being the club manager, was charged with contravening section 21(1)(c) of the Ordinance. In another inspection conducted in February this year on a club in Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay, which has been operating with a CoC, OLA officers found that the actual layout of the club deviated from the registered drawing, with an increased number of tables and chairs. Moreover, the number of people at the clubhouse during the inspection exceeded the maximum allowable capacity as stipulated in the CoC. Conditions 3 and 6 of the CoC were breached. The woman, being the CoC holder, was charged with contravening section 21(2) of the Ordinance. A spokesman for the department said enforcement action would continue to be taken against illegal clubhouse operations.

CHP detects imported case of NDM-1 producing Enterobacteriaceae

The Centre for Health Protection of the department of Health has identified an imported case of New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae. The patient was a 21-month-old girl.The girl, living in Pok Fu Lam, attended the Accident and Emergency Department of Queen Mary Hospital on July 29 afterdeveloping symptoms including cough, sputum, runny nose, vomiting, loose stool and fever for a few weeks. She was admitted on the same day and was discharged on August 1 in stable condition after treatmentHer stool specimen grew NDM-1 producing Enterobacteriaceae.According to the attending paediatrician, the girl did not have any gastroenteritis symptoms upon discharge. Her home contacts were asymptomatic.The patient travelled between July 1 and 29 to Hunan where she was hospitalised from July 26 to 28 for the treatment of bronchiolitis. Because of persistent symptoms despite treatment, the girl returned to Hong Kong on July 29 for medical consultation. Investigation is under way and there is presently no sign of spread. This is the fourth detection of NDM-1 producing Enterobacteriaceae in Hong Kong.The spokesman explained that NDM-1 is an enzyme that can inactivate carbapenems and other beta-lactams such as penicillins. Bacteria harbouring, this NDM-1 gene are commonly resistant to multiple antimicrobials, limiting therapeutic options and rendering severe clinical infections difficult to treat. Most bacteria with the NDM-1 enzyme remain susceptible to two types of antibiotics, colistin and tigecycline. Infections have varied from mild to potentially life-threatening or fatal. The level of risk depends on which part of the body is affected by the infection and the general health of the patient.

Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting to be held Aug 16

The 47th Meeting of the Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation to be held on August 16 is now open for public enrolment.