In Focus

HKMC to launch premium loan guarantee scheme

HKMC to launch premium loan guarantee scheme

Scheme will guarantee to banks of up to 70% combined loan-to-value threshold of the premium loan.

Asia-Pacific fund managers bullish on equities

Half of fund managers with overweight view on equities yet cautiously optimistic towards Greater China.

Second quarter service industries' receipts rise

Yet financing and banking industries recorded slight drops of 2.7% and 0.3% in business receipts.

Hong Kong's finance industry faces talent shortage

91% of employers in Hong Kong’s finance industry report skills shortage in finance and accounting.

Foreign currency reserve assets up to US261.4bln

Hong Kong's total foreign currency reserve assets are about 56% of HK dollar M3.

Sino Land profit up 63.3% to HK$6 billion

The 63.3% increase was in comparison with the HK$3.7 billion profit for the previous financial year.

Employers hold firm grip over salary negotiations

77% of Asia Pacific finance professionals surveyed believe employers control salary negotiation.

Hong Kong ranks sixth in global forex market

Average daily net turnover of foreign exchange transactions jumped 31.3% to US$237.6bln.

Hong Kong's insurance industry premiums up 14.5%

Net premiums rose 11.8% to $11.7bln while overall underwriting profit stood at $1.3bln.

Wharf profit up 28% to HK$4.2bln

Growth attributed to rising retail rents as company among top investors' picks with more conservative portfolio.

HKEx mulls opening Renminbi futures market

Market with 1mln yuan per contract, targets to broaden acceptance of currency by international trade partners.

HK & China Gas profit down 1% to HK$2.97bln

Company continues to look for mainland gas projects with its China unit's profit up 34%.

New BlackBerry App World available in Hong Kong

BlackBerry App World continues to grow with catalog of applications that further enhance the BlackBerry experience.

Renminbi appreciation may reduce HK dollar demand

The European debt problems and Mainland's policy tightening might cause some slowdowns in HK economic growth.

July visitor arrivals in Hong Kong up 32%

Individual Visit Scheme measures in Shenzhen helped make Chinese top visitors with total of 2mln.

HSBC helps Air China complete ECA-backed aircraft financing

Lender's experience in overseas markets gave it edge to help carrier obtain guarantees from 3 ECAs.

Hong Kong's jobless rate falls to 4.3%

But unemployment rate of 20 to 24 age group rose by one percentage point to 12.1%.