HR & Education

Sudden departures mean loss of road maps for Hong Kong companies

Sudden departures mean loss of road maps for Hong Kong companies

The departure of Ina Drew, Chief Investment Officer at JP Morgan Chase, reminds us that things move fast and mercilessly in the world of business...

Most Hong Kong managers are blind to a staff's long-term value

A study found that Hong Kong managers measure a new hire's impact on the 1st year and then lose interest.

Are you satisfied with your work/life balance?

In recent years, increasing attention has been given to the issue of work-life balance. Governments, institutions and individual businesses have...

Are you happy with your bonuses?

The employment market in financial services in Hong Kong and China has been fairly moribund since the third quarter of last year, but when it comes...

Great companies are about more than making money

The recent arrest of the Kwok brothers, members of one of Hong Kong’s highest profile business families, reminds us that doing business with friends...

Internship experience top Chinese employers' main criteria

28% ranked it as main priority, while educational background and communication skills were considered least important.

Why firms must focus on retention right now

The financial services employment market in Hong Kong has seen better days. Put simply, there are more redundancies and fewer vacancies than a year...

Is getting 'excited' really helpful?

I'm sure like me, many of you have been on a corporate training seminar that started the day with a ra-ra session to get you up out of your chair...

Shortage in senior executives drives salaries to new highs

Compensation for top-tier candidates in Asia Pacific might have risen by 15% to 25% a year for the past five years.

Knowledge advancements in Hong Kong

Like other major societies worldwide, Hong Kong is also transforming itself into a knowledge-based economy where increasingly firms are competing...

Should women in boardrooms be regulated?

In recent years, both in Hong Kong and internationally, an increase in emphasis has been placed on board diversity, and, in particular, on including...

Hong Kong needs more foreign workers

Age is finally catching up to Hong Kong's aging and declining work force.

Study shows bonus optimism fading away in Greater China

44% of the respondents said they expect bonuses to fall in the future. 

20th birthday a cause of pride and a reason for reflection

More than 1,800 students of 41 nationalities are joining 250 staff, supportive parents, generous benefactors, more than 800 alumni and well-wishers...

Employers not firing staff, but aren’t hiring either

Over 90% of all businesses surveyed in HSBC's December PMI reported no changes to their headcount.

Blended Workforces: No longer a contingency plan

Today’s economic climate might look uncertain at best – and grim at worst – but companies can meet the challenges of market volatility by making the...

How to direct your workforce towards efficiency

Hong Kong’s infrastructure and transport industry faces external threats such as increasing competition from alternative gateways into China...