Singapore's Firma eyes Hong Kong medical market
Singapore's Firma eyes Hong Kong medical market
Firma Medical Aesthetics Group opened its first clinic in Hong Kong in a 5,200 square space on Duddell Street in Central.
Patient Satisfaction Survey report endorsed by HA
The Hospital Authoritydiscussed and endorsed the first HA-wide Patient Satisfaction Survey report.
Sennosides drugs recalled
The Department of Health instructed Welfore Co Ltd, to recall four of its sennosides drugs from shelves as market surveillance conducted by DH...
Hua Xia Healthcare profit up 7-fold to HK$31.5mn
The company explores further opportunities from China’s Healthcare Reform and the New 12th Five Year Plan.
Health chief warns of imported E coli cases
Secretary for Food & Health Dr York Chow warns Hong Kong may eventually face an imported case of the deadly E coli infection that has afflicted...
DH recalls Potassium Chloride Injection
The Department of Health instructed the Baxter Healthcare Ltd., a licensed drug wholesaler, to recall three batches of Potassium Chloride Injection...
Hospital Authority allocates more nursing fund
The Hospital Authority has earmarked an additional $200 million this year to strengthen the recruitment and retaining of nursing manpower. It seeks...
Trace amount of iodine, caesium detected in King's Park
The minute amount of artificial radionuclide Iodine-131 and caesium-137 has been detected in an air sample collected at King's Park.
Tobacco duty to increase by 41.5%
The Government tabled the Dutiable Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2011 at the Legislative Council.
HK to suspend avian importation from South Africa
The Centre for Food Safety has suspended processing applications for imports of poultry, game birds and their products from the Republic of South...
Private hospitals not to expand maternity services
Private hospitals have agreed not to expand their maternity services in the short term.
Experts discuss optimal use of medical devices
Experts from WHO and Western Pacific countries are meeting in Hong Kong to discuss a draft strategy for the optimal use of medical devices.
Hospital Authority to recruit 330 doctors
Secretary for Food & Health Dr. York Chow says the Hospital Authority plans to recruit about 330 doctors in the current fiscal year.
Warning issued against benzocaine products
An alert has been issued on the use of benzocaine products due to its potentially fatal side effect by the Department of Health.
Government tightened drug laws
This is to prevent the abuse of new-trend psychotropic drugs and to hinder the production of ketamine.
Sino Biopharmaceutical 2010 profit up 42.8% to HK$567mn
The company acquires manufacturer of dermatology and hormonal pharmaceutical products to bring new revenue contributions to the Group.
Hong Kong atmosphere, water remain safe
Radiation levels in Hong Kong's air and drinking water remain normal.
Progressive rating system to impact mid-to-luxury residential properties in Hong Kong
Hong Kong universities drive market shift: strategic acquisitions for student housing
Innovation at a Crossroads: Hong Kong's Needed Tech Transformation