Hong Kong increases monitoring of Novel Coronavirus 2012
Fears rise the highly infectious pneumonia virus could land in the city.
The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health said it will seek more information on the possibility of human-to-human transmission of the Novel coronavirus from the World Health Organization and relevant health authorities.
CHP said it will stay vigilant and continue to work closely with WHO and overseas health authorities to monitor the latest development of this novel infectious disease.
In Hong Kong, enhanced surveillance and control measures for the disease have been put in place. Starting Feb. 23, laboratory surveillance for the novel coronavirus will be further enhanced.
Routine testing for the Novel coronavirus will be carried out irrespective of travel history for cases of pneumonia with unknown cause, pneumonia cases requiring intensive care, clusters of pneumonia or healthcare workers with pneumonia.
“The CHP will continue its surveillance mechanism with public and private hospitals, practicing doctors and the airport for any suspected cases of severe respiratory disease associated with novel coronavirus,” a spokesman said.
“No human infection with this virus has been identified so far in Hong Kong,” CHP noted.