Air pollution caused 1,600 Hong Kong deaths in H1
Ineffective government policies partly to blame.
The number of premature deaths caused by Hong Kong’s worsening air is almost 40 times greater than the number of fatalities attributed to the H7N9 avian flu virus, said a study by the Clean Air Network.
Air pollution also cost the city US$2.4 billion in the first half citing the Hedley Environmental Index. It was responsible for 76,360 days in the hospital and 3.6 million doctor visits.
The average levels of nitrogen dioxide, suspended particulates and sulfur dioxide were higher in the first half of 2013 from a year earlier, the study shows.
All pollutants except for one measured by the Environmental Protection Department at all of Hong Kong’s 14 monitoring stations exceeded the World Health Organization’s annual average air quality guidelines.
The Clean Air Network noted that this midyear air quality review shows just how critical it is that the government take immediate action to implement effective policies in order to safeguard public health.