Hong Kong population rose 0.9% in 2010
There were 6,885,300 usual residents and 212,300 mobile residents in the past year.
In a statement, Census & Statistics Department said Hong Kong's population climbed to 7,097,600 at the end of last year, up 0.9% on 2009. According to Hong Kong Information Services Department, There were 522,800 visitors present at the end of last year.
There were 41,600 deaths recorded, while the number of births was 88,500, resulting in a natural increase of 46,900.
There was an inflow of 42,600 one-way permit holders while there was a net outflow of 25,400.
The overall population increased by 64,100 over the same period, comprising a natural increase of 46,900 and a net movement of 17,200 residents.