Photo from Nan Fung Group

AIRSIDE’s office leasing occupancy soars 70%

Its retail occupancy rate also surged to 90%.

Nan Fung Group's new flagship shopping mall, AIRSIDE, has achieved 70% office leasing occupancy, leasing nearly 850,000 sq ft to renowned multinational corporations including AIA Hong Kong, Haleon, OCBC Hong Kong, MUFG Bank, Prudential, and PUMA.

Meanwhile, the mall's retail occupancy rate has reached 90%.

Rental rates in AIRSIDE range from $35 to $50 per sq ft, nearly double the average rate of $25 per sq ft for Grade A offices in Kowloon East. 

This summer, AIRSIDE will launch a series of leisure and entertainment projects which is expected to boost foot traffic by 20% and revenue by 15%.

These projects include a 20,000 sq ft wellness facility offering services such as yoga, pilates reformer, beauty, physical therapy, and a cafe.

In addition, the mall will also host sports events from 25 July to 18 August, including live broadcast parties, special pet-Olympic events, and a series of promotional offers which will also increase mall foot traffic by 20% and revenue by 15%.

Since its launch in September last year, AIRSIDE has hosted over 30 exhibitions and campaigns to establish itself as Hong Kong’s leading Culturetainment Hub.

To meet sustainability goals, AIRSIDE offers features such as the Automatic Refuse Collection System (ARCS), a Smart Bicycle Parking System, and an energy-efficient District Cooling System. 

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