Hong Kong domestic exports up 5.7%
While the volume of Hong Kong's re-exports of goods in October rose 9% on the same month last year.
According to the Census & Statstics Department, taken together, the volume of total exports of goods increased 8.9%. Concurrently, the volume of import of goods increased 6.8%, Hong Kong's information Services Department said.
Comparing the first 10 months of this year with the same period last year, the volume of Hong Kong's re-exports of goods grew 20.6% while that of domestic exports was up 15.9%. Taken together, the volume of total exports of goods increased 20.5%. Concurrently, the volume of imports of goods increased 21.2%.
Comparing the three-month period ending October this year with the preceding three months on a seasonally adjusted basis, the volume of total exports of goods went up 0.1%.
Within this total, the volume of re-exports increased by 0.3%, while that of domestic exports decreased by 6.5%. The volume of imports of goods decreased 1.7%.
The prices of re-exports of goods increased by 5.4% in October year on year, while that of domestic exports increased by 6.5%. Taken together, the prices of total exports of goods increased by 5.4%. Concurrently, the prices of imports of goods increased by 7.9%.