Retail sales value up to over $35b
The value of total retail sales in July 2011 increased by more than 29% compared to the same period in 2010.
The Census and Statistics Department said, “Analysed by broad type of retail outlet and comparing July 2011 with July 2010, the volume of sales of miscellaneous consumer durable goods increased the most, by 84.6%. This was followed by sales of electrical goods and photographic equipment (+73.3% in volume); jewellery, watches and clocks, and valuable gifts (+37.0%); wearing apparel (+24.7%); miscellaneous consumer goods (+19.8%); commodities in department stores (+19.2%); footwear, allied products and other clothing accessories (+17.8%); furniture and fixtures (+15.3%); and commodities in supermarkets (+4.8%).”
Meanwhile the volume of sales of food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco and that of motor vehicles and parts decreased by 6.0% and 5.0% respectively in July 2011 compared to the same period in 2010, while the volume of sales of fuels also decreased by 0.9%.
C&SD noted however that these retail sales statistics are primarily intended to measure the sales receipts in respect of goods sold by local retail establishments, "for gauging the short-term business performance of the local retail sector."
The Department added that said statistics cover consumer spending on goods but not on services. "Moreover, they include spending on goods by visitors in Hong Kong but not by Hong Kong residents outside Hong Kong. Hence they should not be regarded as a comprehensive indicator of overall consumer spending. In this context, it may be noted that the share of consumer spending on services in overall consumer spending has been increasing over time,” explained C&SD.