Hong Kong falls to 77th place on list of most livable cities for ex-pats
The city ranked 17th in the 2013 edition of the list.
Over the past decade, Hong Kong's allure as a desirable expat living destination has significantly diminished.
The city dropped from 17th (2013) to 77th (2023) in the ECA’s Location Ratings Report.
Cities on the list are ranked based on the availability of health services, housing and utilities, isolation, access to a social network and recreational and leisure facilities, infrastructure, climate, personal safety, socio-political tensions, and air quality.
Whilst the city's ranking has fallen to 77th, ECA said the city's liveability has improved since 2022, following the removal of the COVID-19 restrictions,
"Hong Kong still has excellent facilities, infrastructure, recreational options and low crime rates and remains an attractive location relative to many other locations in the region,” Mark Harrison, General Manager for Asia at ECA, said.
ECA added that Hong Kong ranks high amongst Asian cities, placing behind Singapore, Japan, and Busan in South Korea.