
MTR fare hike lowered to 2.2%

MTR fare hike lowered to 2.2%

The Census & Statistics Department's report on CPI made the company lower the fare hike.

Housing gets bigger share of Hong Kong residents’ expenditure

Spending on housing and food goes up while residents cut expenses on transport and on clothing and footwear.

Hong Kong IPO market seen to pick up in second quarter

25 companies expected to be listed in the second quarter with JGAAP recognition as a key highlight.

Government strengthened tourism ties with Henan

The Travel Industry Council signed a co-operation agreement with the Henan Provincial Tourism Administration.

Hong Kong travellers spent less abroad

Compared to the mainland, Hong Kong travellers spent $1,096 per night when travelling abroad.

Chevron LPG failed test again

The Electrical & Mechanical Services Department asked Chevron to stop the sales of all auto-LPG until the quality has been confirmed to comply with the specification.

1,003 flight movements set new daily record

The April 22 record of Hong Kong International Airport supassed the daily average of 891 movements by 12.57 per cent.

Redevelopment initiative reaps 47 applications

Government to conduct a mid-term review of the new measures to fine-tune the policy or implementation issues and to facilitate better use of existing industrial buildings.

Hong Kong has the region’s most demanding bosses

A study shows almost 70% of Hong Kong employers expect their staff to be available while on annual leave or out of office hours.

Hong Kong unemployment rate returns to pre-crisis level--HSBC

Despite falling to 3.4%, analysts maintain a close watch on external risks and impact of the upcoming implementation of minimum wages.

68% of Hong Kong employers expect their staff to be available while on annual leave

Hong Kong employers are the most demanding in Asia Pacific, according to the latest Robert Half Workplace Survey.

Government awarded $29mn worth of scholarship grants

514 students from nine local universities received the scholarship grants.

Hong Kong goods re-exports up 20.5%

In the first 2 months of 2011, the volume of total exports grew 19.9%, and the volume of imports rose 14%.

Hong Kong’s composite interest rate surges to 0.24%

Upward adjustments of the weighted deposit rate and interbank rates prompted the surge.

URA takes role of redevelopment facilitator

They will assist in the urban renewal and tackle the problem of urban decay in old dilapidated areas.

Hong Kong International Airport flight movements rose 15.5% in March 2011

Flight movements rose to a monthly high of 28,140 and a new single-day record of 971 flight movements was also set on March 31.

Trace amount of iodine, caesium detected in King's Park

The minute amount of artificial radionuclide Iodine-131 and caesium-137 has been detected in an air sample collected at King's Park.