89% of local investors want to invest in new assets
Most of them are interested in private equity.
A majority (89%) of local investors are eyeing to invest or have invested in new asset classes amidst rising inflation, a study by Schroders Global has found.
The urge to seek new investment horizons also comes from investors' higher return expectations. According to the study, investors are seeking an average annual return of 11.50%.
Amongst private asset classes, Hong Kong investors are most interested in private equity (64%), followed by assets (59%), real estate (53%) and infrastructure finance (53%).
Whilst keen on investing, some Hong Kong investors still feel that they lack knowledge in doing so.
According to the study, only 12% of “beginner/rudimentary” and 76% of "expert/advanced" investors feel knowledgeable enough to make investment decisions for their financial future.
This is why 65% of the Hongkongers surveyed believe that investment companies should be ensuring that people have sufficient levels of knowledge on personal financial matters. Others said it should be a personal responsibility (25%/0, or the responsibility of financial advisers (51%) or educational institutions (40%).
Meanwhile, the study also found Hong Kong investors also seek to have the power to influence corporate decision-making on issues such as human capital management (64%), natural capital and biodiversity (58%_, as well as climate (54%).