, Hong Kong
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

Hong Kong launches new features in eHealth App

It will pilot cross-boundary health record and personal folder functions.

The Health Bureau of Hong Kong has announced that the eHealth mobile application (eHealth App) will pilot cross-boundary health record and personal folder functions starting 15 July. 

These features are designed to ensure continuity of care for Hong Kong residents by securely accessing electronic health records (eHRs) from designated medical facilities outside Hong Kong. 

Currently, eligible elderly individuals using Elderly Health Care Vouchers (ECHVs) at the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital (HKU-SZH) can participate in the pilot.

Under the program, elderly users can pre-apply for their eHRs stored in the eHealth App up to three years prior to their consultation at HKU-SZH. Family members can also assist through the app’s caregiver function. Approved applicants will receive QR codes for easy access to their health records during consultations.

Additionally, the Health Bureau emphasised robust security measures, including multi-factor authentication, to protect personal data accessed through the app. They assured applicants that eHR preparation and verification would be completed within 72 hours, requiring submission at least three days before scheduled consultations at HKU-SZH.

In addition, the eHealth App will feature a personal folder function allowing users to consolidate medical records from various sources, including overseas consultations, for centralised access. 

The Health Bureau said it plans to refine and expand the pilot based on user feedback, potentially extending these benefits to other medical institutions participating in the EHCV Greater Bay Area Pilot Scheme.


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